oh wow.
it seems like a lifetime ago that i wrote that last post...
where am i now? what am i doing?
where the bloody hell are *you*?
where to start, what to say...
let's go with boing basics, it may be all i can handle to divulge at this time!
i have a job, i am a receptionist at the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association. i answer the phone and say "AACMA National Office, this is Emily speaking." i always try to be genki and generally people like me. the job is, well, a job. my boss is pretty psychotic, which is always fun, and it's a very small office with only 5 employees (including aforementioned crazy boss). all women, not a great way to meet heaps of new people. but i shall perservere.
i'm struggling with this australian accent thing, part of me thinks it's cute, part of me thinks it's crass (that would be the british part!). i'm trying not to swear as much as i hear, attempting to retain some of that japanese soft-spoken quality!
minou is adorable still, she is an indoor-outdoor kat now (mommy almost had a heart attack the first day pussy went out to play). she's only killed one bird so far, a rainbow lorikeet. serves it right because they are so noisy and heaven knows we get enough of them round the feeder every morning, sqwaking at 7AM! but she still snuggles at night, which, if you will look over to your right hand side, you will notice it is very very chilly in the dark hours here!
matt is studying hard. nuff said.
i've put on 40 kg since we moved here.
(not really but some of you were probably secretly amused to think that i had!)
i would finish telling you all about vietnam and cambodia but, well, i'm not in the mood and like i said, it feels like a lifetime ago. not a mere six months. what could possibly have changed in six months? don't know how this all happened...
i'm being cryptic and i don't apologise.
here follows a sequence of numbers that you can unwravel to find out my hidden meaning...
18 33 11 24 30 11 14 18 32 25 28 13 15
i'm reading the da vinci code and feeling cheeky ;)
i don't think i even have a picture to post with this entry... that seems unfair though because i am finally writing from my own computer. i'll scrounge one up for you!
i miss all my friends. i've noticed that i think of friends from canada as much as i think of the ones from japan... you'd think i'd have gotten used to being far away from them after so long! i miss my support group in japan... all my girls and our girly things.
i don't miss the shopping. i am having a lot of fun shopping here! well, actually, maybe on some days, i miss the cool familiarity of Tenmaya in AlPark, or the underground web of Shareo, or being able to pick up a new item in many shop windows with just a glance from across the street. ok, so i do kind of miss the shopping!
i slept 10 hours last night, i had weird dreams full of acupuncturists.
and today we went to a career expo at the convention centre in south brisbane. i looked into hairdressing (couldn't you just picture me owning my own little salon and getting to have girlie girly time all day?!?) and was very VERY tempted by the idea of flight attendant school... need to research that last one a bit but, seeing as how my friends and family are so scattered all over the world, wouldn't it be fun!?
oh, and all of you people who live all over the world, download skype and we'll talk for free. flo and i just talked for almost an hour, it was a riot and we didn't have to pay for it. my skype name is misstalksalot so just add me as a contact and i will begin turning the program on while i'm at home. yay!
so i did scrounge up a picture before posting this post... Fukumi? no! Fukuyu!
umm...I love you?!
yeah yeah yeah! new post from my favorite naughty girl!
oh girls!! flo you're awesome... so good to talk... wish i was there, or you were here, or we were both somewhere really really fun just for the hell of it!
corinne i can't believe you're a mommy! i have a present for your little behbeh!
big hugs and will keep on bloggin'
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