so, the salon downstairs from where i work has just been revamped; taken over from something that old ladies went to and turned into something a little more promising. especially because it was taken over by a french man. french men can do the best things to hair... among other body parts...*sigh*....*gasp*...*moan* ... where am i? right. his name is jean-paul ... or was it jean-luc? whatever. what's important is that he's not the hussy that massacred my hair last time. i told her what i wanted, she kept saying how it was going to be easy, no problem. now i know that i have to be as prepared here as i was in japan... pictures and colour samples... but most importantly, to never shut up once. just keep talking and if you suspect your stylist of being misguided, for hair's sake: speak up!!!

i am not sure salon-ing is for me in the end. just a cut and a blow should do me, i've had too many foul times in those stupid chairs and no number of scalp massages or frayednervecalming glasses of wine (though that did help!) can remedy the disappointment of going home with an expensive head of unsightly hair. colouring is now out, unless jean-paul/luc can bring it back to it's natural colour when my roots start showing...
another thing i've gone off is TV. i think i just killed more brain cells in one episode of big brother than in all my years of hardcore partying.
except maybe the tequilla tent at fuji rock. i was so braindead after that... funnily enough, i got engaged two weeks later. hmmm... heehee! ;)
seriously, i am cutting out tv. except of course the good shows like desperate housewives (apparently i missed a really good one last week!), lost (even though i'm kind of over it cause the hot doctor isn't putting out), simpsons (which i'm never home for anyways), south park, striperella and anything else that may be construed as educational... like the brazil matches in the world cup!
i think that's it for things i want to lay off of at the moment... all my other naughty habits i am quite happy with!
what are *you* renouncing?
pretty sexy!
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