so, i had already decided to write about my next dream before i went to bed last night.
i've been known to wake myself up, crying or talking in my sleep.
this morning, i woke up first, then i cried.
i dreamt about my armenian grandfather, he passed away two years ago this october. i think i may have yet to reach some kind of closure... in my dream he was teaching me how to drive manual. we went to billings bridge shopping mall from my childhood. i dreamt of their basement. of how elizabeth used to smoke. this isn't the first time i've dreamt of john. he doesn't speak in my dreams... i would like to hear his voice again...
i feel a bit of a mess again. not as bad as monday, after all it is *friday*.
this has always happened to me. a dream can make or break my day... even my next few days. it's because my dreams are so vivid, so detailed. i get in trouble at home for sleeping in too much or going for naps on weekends... j doesn't realize it's cause i love my dreams so much. there are some dreams that i never want to wake up from. others that i wake myself up from. dreams that disappear. dreams that linger. recurring dreams and dream themes. or that dream that i used to have as a kid, with the giant roll of static, that would always wake me up at exactly midnight.
dream a little dream of me
it is so good that you can write down your dreams so clearly, they are so significant of what you are going through these days even if you can't see it now, you will look back after you have passed this time in your life and see that it is so clear that obviously .... means .....
If you don't have a chance to blog it, definitely write it down.
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