have i been slackin' on my posts or what?!
bet you missed me :)
well, i'm back. just in time for the weekend... tonight will be a party hop between my computer (skype-ing!) and my neighbours' cause the kids are all there partying! i call them kids but they're actually about my age... minus the life experience. brisbane born and raised, most of them never left, possibly never going to, never even think about it.
i call it the great divide. you either have it or you don't. the travel bug. this unquenchable thirst for newness. for excitement. for thrills. sometimes for danger. a thirst for the unknown? no. it's not for the unknown because roads have been traveled and people do live along the way.
recently i was contemplating aloud with a friend and i realized that i am searching for somewhere that i feel comfortable. i guess somewhere that feels perfect and never gives me the mean reds.
*i'd just like to point out here that i said "contemplating with a friend"... i talk to myself all the time but i rarely utter truths or delve into myself. the moments of realization come when i have discussions. when i am relating to someone else what it is that i want or what it is that i'm doing. so, i'd just like to say thank you to all of you who have been sending me emails lately. or receiving mine, as crazy as they may be (disjointed ramblings). by saying things aloud, to someone who isn't me, i find myself. different strokes for different folks.*
oh, and i'd also like to take this moment to apologize for not sending out enough emails. i want to keep in touch better than i have been but, well, i just haven't. no excuses. i read your emails, i think of y'all heaps but i just don't write back sometimes. writers block? kind of. anyways, gomen ne.

TODAY i was forced to shop. forced shopping! awesome :)
it was raining in downtown brisbane when my foot slipped on a wet patch and the thong part of my platform flip flops just snapped. *lucky that* cause i would've been sprawled on my ass on a wet bridge otherwise! so i got a piggyback ride to myers (bad day to wear a miniskirt!) and tried to find a fab pair of shoes... nothing. talk about drab, old lady stylins! yikes! ...piggyback to the next location... found a pair of platform thongs to replace the ones that just died (RIP they were so good to me, sniff). these new ones kick ASS! i will post a photo to go with this entry once i've given myself a little pedicure :) little because i have little feet :) "ni ju san ten go? cho do ii yo ne!!" is what i heard all the time shoe shopping in hiroshima!
today i also ate really yummy baclava! it's my favouritest dessert of all time :)
and that's all she wrote. for lack of anything better to say... (or for lack of anything non-incriminating to say... ;)
big love gros bisous -xoxo-
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