time for more random thoughts.... ahhhh, sweet sweet mental discharge ;)
house is good... no awesome actually. i'm almost feeling domesticated again, but don't hold me to that!
i lined my closet shelves while listening to korean gangstah rap
my goal is to have a video tour of my place online by next weekend... don't hold me to that either!
wow, i do talk shit a lot!
look, i already take back the semi promise for next weekend... i forgot (dunno how) about the big, fun party we're going to FOR MY BIRTHDAY!!! (ok, for j's too :) check it out, it's called earthdance06 and it's probably being held near you too!! so i think you should go and then we'll be at the same party next weekend even though you may be miles away (sniff) ... but sérieusement, 222 locations, 50 countries!
i am terribly excited for a chance to wear my pink bday dress for the 3rd year in a row! i might just wear my fancy socks too! (not together though... or maybe... that would look totally insane!)
gratuitous bikini shot:

nope. i just came back from a quick trip to my closet and the pinks are different and wouldn't look good. even in a crazy way.
still don't have much in the way of funiture... so i used a cardboard box and fashioned myself the cutest little pantie drawer! apparently i am still quite obsessed with my undergarments.
i do have a big ass fridge, a washing machine *and* a dryer! haven't had a dryer in, like, forever! fluffy towels! oooo, and my washing machine is a front loader so it
a) saves water (i'm trying to be a good little queenslander, drought-aware) and
b) saves my clothes from getting all stretched out of shape from that evil middle thing that churns and twists. and it just works like a dream!
vegemite is my new favoritest source of b vitamins. except i hate the way it smells when i have to wash it off the knife when i do the dishes.
on heavy rotation in my ipod is the awsome brisbane band butterfingers... have i already said this before? anyways, if you can get your hands on one of their albums, i am very much enjoying it. lyrical jester. very clever and good beats.
i was also listening to the beatles 'rubber soul' album today... that's because of the messed up dreams i had last night that i only told 2 people about and i didn't tell either one the whole thing... it was that weird.
i'm learning (don't ask how or why!) how to build my own webpage... perhaps i will finally use my myspace space!
from where i'm sitting, in my sunroom, i can see the stained glass of the bay window in my bedroom :) my house is so pretty!
i'm an intolerant pushover. figure that one out.
why can't people spell and why am i stuck correcting their mistakes. i hate mispellers.
pussy on lap makes foot fall asleep...
i think i'm allergic to macadamia nuts. how much would that suck?!
i don't care what everyone else says, if it's less than 20C, it's cold.
maybe i'll light a nice little fire in the fireplace... yes, i have a fireplace. :P
done and g'night.
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