where am i?
after watching a belated episode of desperate housewives while j's at work this fine saturday morning, i switched over to the tv to channel surf for a few minutes... see what's on saturday mornings here as i never watch tv at this time!
flick. music videos. flick. random cartoons... when did saturday morning cartoons turn up the suck?! flick. more music videos. flick. a paintbrush? yeah! painter bob! i love his happy little trees! what's this... a dry, arid field? a shanty? an aussie accent?! that's not bob ross! my disappointment was profound. i watched the last 5 minutes as this impostor painted a scraggly tree with some sparse-but-typical australian blue-green leaves. no happy little trees. no fluffy leaves. the voice was nowhere near as soft and as soothing as bob's. it was saturday morning but everything was upside-down and i was on the complete other side of the world and feeling it sharply.
so i hopped online and browsed a little. checked out some flickr photos from some friends. felt another pang of homesickness for nippon when i saw this picture from kimshi. check out her photos, i especially liked the harajuku portraits set... the composition is amazing! i do miss nippon a lot... it was the only place i've lived where i didn't feel like i was going insane and was in control (that could be a case of selective memory though!). i think the fact that i miss it so much lately is why i've been so slack at keeping in touch with the people i love there. looks like the gray morning is affecting my mood!
or maybe it's the fact that i got in trouble this morning for having a hard time getting out of bed. i fell asleep when i got home from work for about 2 hours. woke up, had dinner with j, played some trivial pursuit, then we went to bed at 10. i got woken up in the middle of the night (4am) by a drunk friend calling to see if i was out on the town (fair enough, he didn't know i have a marathon next sunday). fell back asleep immediately and come 8:30 i was still tired and having issues dragging my ass out of the warm bed into the chilly morning air. it's freezing! my fingers are pretty numb as i type. my house is lovely in the summer, nice and cool but at the moment and for the next 4 weeks of winter, i have a feeling i will suffer. and i have a cold i can't shake. and i'm tired all the time and can't run. and i'm so worried about my marathon. i'm not confident in my training. i've had injuries and aches and pains. i'm not flexible and it's cold so i'm getting worse. but i'm going to suck it up and learn that if i have a big race i want to do, plan it so that i can train during the warm season... so i'm looking at honolulu again cause i can train through the spring here and just into summer. anyone want to go to hawai'i in december 2008? di, we can do the marathon together? it's plenty of time to train. i haven't mentioned this to j yet. he'll have to agree. who wouldn't want to spend christmas in hawai'i? oh, wait... hee hee. sore spots still sore.
bilby is in my lap right now in the process of destroying my new sweater.

my lips are a matching shade of purple (not from the usual red wine the night before but rather from the cold).
minou is behind the computer, watching the outside world.

they're getting along pretty well but i suspect minou would like to stuff bilby in an envelope and post him/her to abu dhabi. still haven't sexed bilby. i'm warming to the idea that we've got another girl but i think bilby's destined to be gender confused for the rest of his life. poor girl. i can see our kids in years to come saying "mum, if we call the kat mr bilby, why do you call both kats your girls?"
some nicknames we use for bilby, along with 'mr bilby', are 'the bilbinator', 'bilbers' and 'bilberino'. poor thing. *giggle*giggle*
minou gets 'minouners', 'nounou' or 'nounours', 'minounou', 'miewmiew' and 'cacahuète'. and sometimes 'my flopsy bunny' when i pick her up and she's all floppy and soft. she's getting fat-as right now! i love it. she'd keep me warm at night if bilby didn't hog all the space under the covers. he won't sleep anywhere else right now. poor little thing gets cold paws so quickly... we need some bilby socks!
here are some pics of the 2 of them... they crack me up when they play together!

lots of love and krazy kat lady hugs!
I'm so happy to know you haven't forgotton about me! I often read your blog so I really don't feel that out of touch with you but still felt like making some contact.
I beg to differ with your comment about this being the only place where you didn't feel like you were going insane. Remember this is the country where we learned to be loners.
BTW I made pancakes this morning which always remind me of you. Honestly, your apple cinnamon pancakes are the best!!!
big hugs,
Funny to hear you mention painter Bob. I haven't thought about him in years. That man has such control, I remember being so drawn in by him that it was impossible to turn the channel. Was it his soothing voice, maybe, the afro, or the way he worked his magic with the brushes???
Awesome kitties! :) I'm glad they're doing well.:)
Bob rocked. He draw something nice and then he'd throw paint all over it and I'd be all, "Ah, the bastid wrecked it!" Two minutes later, he made it all wicked.
Can you send some of that cold here? I hate this sticky heat. It's a bit better today, but I want it to be gone on a permanent basis. :D
take care!
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