nymphcapades... let the riots begin.

what my brain ate today.

Monday, April 9

what's that smell?

oh, that would be my laundry basket from all the running i've been doing. finally starting to take my marathon training seriously and have cut out the drinky-poos for more sensible things like berroca and blisters.

speaking of sensible, i'm considering growing out my bangs for a while... for the marathon in july. they tend to get in the way a bit and are difficult to pin up well. i may grow them out all the way, or have them longer as some layers in the front or just keep them as they are and deal with it. any votes?

in other news, i had an awesome visit with my aunty and uncle at the end of march. photos to follow! we hung out around south bank, took a ferry trip, went to the beach, took a walk in the rainforest, i cooked dinners... all over the span of just 2 days!

my job is going well... i actually have to think about heading there soon!

did everyone have fun sodomising the easter bunny? good kiddies!



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