it is possible that i have been on a posting hiatus due to the fact that blogger has moved to *google* ~ i think we established some time early-mid last year that i don't deal with change too fabulously!
uh oh... i should probably take that back as i am about to have pretty big changes in my life!! have handed in my 2 weeks notice at the ol' reception hole and am taking a full time position at The Athlete's Foot (yeah, i know it's a really bad name for a store but before you think down under is lacking in brains, the company was founded in north america)... there are a few things i will miss about my old job: the internet access (not that i ever had too much time to dick around on it!), talking on the phone (for which i have a natural talent since about highschool, ask my mother!) as well as a few people that i've met but intend to keep up with anyways!
things i'm looking forward to in the new job: discounts on running shoes, being able to wear running shoes all day, focusing more on my marathon training, not having the stress that i do now, not resorting to sneaking ciggys from jean-lou when i stress out, working with people who hear the term 'be fit' and understand it as a way of life and not some abstract concept to be regarded with disdain... being able to talk about sports a lot, the fact that i've never worked retail before and it's all kind of new and fun to me... becoming a big shoe geek, possibly developing a foot fetish if i'm lucky ;)
other than work stuff, i've been meeting new friends... a whole bunch of canadians come to australia to do their masters of teaching cause it's transferrable to the canadian system and instead of the 2 years it would take to do in canada, it only takes them 18 months here (there's an idea dcouz;)... so they're all in the same program as j, it's really bizarre cause i haven't been around so many new canadians since i lived there a few lifetimes ago. ~~gosh y'all do talk funny! (*giggle*)~~
so, new girlfriends = funfunfun! we've been on beach trips together, shopping and lots of chitchat... 2am pancakes were the highlight of last weekend!!! it totally made saturday night out worth it!
here are a few pics to make you smile!
we went on a trip down to byron bay for the weekend last month to celebrate anna's birthday!
on the way down, we saw fat people in a ginger beer car! it was funny and i had to take like 8 photos cause i was giggling so hard at all their chins!

we cooked dinner at the beach

we surfed (j did, i tried, we also went tandum surfing!)

happy birthday anna!

there were freaky cactus flowers that only come out at night

we slept in pelekona, our sweet van

we woke up in pelekona too!

we went to tallows (a beach in byron) nice an early to catch a surf... well, j had a surf, i had a sleep in & took some pictures!

we bummed around on the beach

we basked in the sun!

even the drive home was prettyness!

*** jean-lou's salon had a cocktail party and he asked me to be a hair model & angie did my makeup and i wore the saree my mother-in-law sent me!! it was so awesomely fun!
my hair looked amazing!

my makeup looked amazing!

mmmmm, model chocolate!

this is me with jean-lou and shelley

even at the end of a huge night out, at like 5am, i still looked good!! thank you jean-lou, shelley & angie!

~~ another weekend we went to the gold coast, it ended up being j and a handful of sexy girls! you should have seen the look on the surfer dudes' faces when he dropped us off before looking for a parking space, we spilled out of the van and they were kind of like 'man?! how did you *do* that?'
we harassed the lifeguards

we had a photo shoot on the beach

we took funtime pictures

j's board snapped- that sux! *but* he said they were some of the finest waves he's ever had...

we saw a huge pelican, talk about em's scared now!

and on the way home we had an 80s dance party in the back seats of the van!

lovey hugs and smooches! -xoxoxoxoxo-
i do realise that i double posted a few pictures but i am *so* not going back and changing them because it took me HOURS to put them up there (and in flickr too)
i do realise that i double posted a few pictures but i am *so* not going back and changing them because it took me HOURS to put them up there (and in flickr too)
that's it.
screw you guys, i'm going home.
You look amazing! The 5am pic is the best one of you I've ever seen...
All the beach stuff makes me want to come visit, it hailed inches today in Jerusalem (it's almost biblical apocalyptic weather). You're hot, I love you.
Oh, I also wore a saree last week, check me out at my blog...
great to see you having fun and sporting the GH shirt!! yea- lovely stuff! miss you- felix still sleeps with your leopard print pillow!!
Great pics! I love the one of the shadows...
Good luck with the fulltime at AF.
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