da na na na na na na na...
da na na na na na na na...
that's right ladies & gents, step right up for another episode of random thoughts by em handy!
tee hee! super pussy! flo rocks my world
footy was super fun last night!! it was rainy and we almost had to forfeit cause i was the only girly to show up (min player requirements are 3 bitches an' 4 pimps... if i've offended you, i don't care.) but the other team (the number one ranked team so far while we've yet to win a game (and therefore action adventure girlfriend has yet to change her myspace pic), yes i'm rambling, shut up yerself, the other team agreed to play us if we were 1 bitch (me) and 5 pimps against their 2 bitches and 5 pimps... and we held our own very nicely thank you very muchly!! we finished by losing 6-3 which is actually really good if you look at our track record... go team mavro skillo!

and after footy i had a super tasty snack cause i was *so* hungry, then i made a bang up pasta dinner that was so tasty j had to put his spoon down after the first bite. i'm like the tastee pasta queen. i think italian is my piece de résistance.
these are pics of my post footy snack (above) and dinner too (below)!

when are red wine and chocolate *not* a good combination?
i've been all over tasty lunches since i'm on holiday but the greek salad i whipped up today killed me. some days raw onions don't phase me in the least but today, i'm floored man. just don't kiss me around the face and we'll be alright... *winkwink*
ok, i watched that movie happy feet and i must say I AM REALLY ANGRY. now, for the nymph to use caps is a biggie so listen up to my gripes. the movie started off ok, it wasn't as cute as it could've been and n.kidman's voice made my blood run cold, the songs were cheesy and a lot of them were poorly covered. but what got me the most was THE ENVIRONMENTAL MESSAGE that the movie put out. basically, the fish food sources were running out for the penguins. the freakish dancing penguin goes on a mission with his mexican buddies to find out what the story is and save the day (a nice representation of the latin communities... i'm vomiting sarcasm by the way). so the little penguins go on this huge mission and the freakish dancing one gets hauled off by a fishing boat and presumably sold to a museum because that's where he ends up.
PROBLEM NUMBER ONE - as if the fishing boats in antarctica would *bother* selling a penguin to some museum. toss it back or eat it (i'm being wishful there too) is more like it. seriously.
then the penguin tries to communicate with the "aliens", to tell them that the fish are disappearing and to stop overfishing.
but of course, the humans don't speak penguin.
then the freakish dancing penguin remembers how to dance and suddenly all the humans are paying attention to him.
then, suddenly, the dancing penguin is back with his mates but he's all GPS-ed out with a tracking device. now, here is where j had a problem - he said that the movie didn't explain properly how the penguin was let out, and i read a similar comment in a review. WELL, obviously the people wanted to follow the freakish tap dancing penguin to find out if he's an anomaly or from some colony. so all the penguins start dancing in a bid to save their race from the evil "aliens" who steal the fish.
then there's a whole montage with the governments of the world arguing over whether they should stop raping the waters of the antarctic.
AND THIS IS THE PART THAT GOT ME THE MOST. it's as if the world will only try to save an animal if it's cute enough, or if it can tap dance. AND THE MOVIE FINISHED OFF LETTING THE AUDIENCES THINK THAT EVERYTHING WAS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT FOR THE PENGUINS.
well, kids. have i got news for you. it's not going to be alright. the governments are not doing enough in terms of controlling fisheries. the penguins are all going to die. they're all going to die whether warner bros tells you so or not. there's gonna be hundreds of dead penguins and you *should* be crying. it's a sad, sad day when the youth of this world are fed more lies than hidden sexual messages (what happened to the good old days of the lion king?)
*sigh* ... and i'm spent.
but not as spent as i was on tuesday night. or wednesday night. prrrrrrrow!
for some reason my new superman tattoo's significantly rubbed off. *giggles*
does anybody else use a mac? i want to bulk upload photos cause i'm way to lazy to do it one at a time. i wanted to add some new photos to my myspace like the photobucket slideshow...
for those of you who haven't added me as your myspace friend yet, maybe i don't *know* you have a myspace... so add me! miss pitre, i'm meaning you specifically! :P
oh! *hello* ... i think i forgot to mention that miss nymph got her learner's license... that's right, i'm only 6 months and a few car crashes away from being able to drive a vehicle by myself! *giggle* ... seriously folks, no accidents. but i matt and i are talking about buying me a car, i would look so much cuter behind the wheel of a little beetle than our chunky-but-rockin van, the lovely miss pele... plus she's manual with no power steering and i squeeled when i drove her over 8km/hr ... managed to pull her into the driveway in the end. and didn't hit the pole that was about 20 m away! ahhhh... to be 16 and fearless again!

at christmas time j bought me the *cutest* rolling pin! i was so thrilled!! i made gingerbread cookies for all my friends and everyone really liked them (ezcept jean-lou who hates cinnamon & ginger)...

but they were really cute, little stars and hearts and (this is the kicker) *christmas elephants!* ... i gotta make some more baking love with rolling pin fun... too bad the days here are too hot to even boil water for a cuppa!
sorry for j cause it means my cooking for him consists of sandwiches and greek salads that leave me tasting like onion for half a day later. but tomorrow he gets pancakes for breakfast. cause i love him.
these are two pictures from our anniversary dinner.

and a picture of what she would look like if my kat had an extra chromasome. (i was actually thinkin of d. when i saw this pic and have been meaning to post it for her for ages... next up, a dugong?)

i'm about to upload pics of christmastime to the family site so those of you who check it out for the pair of us, head on down! if you don't know the address, ask me. i like to keep it to friends, family and supporters of team sonicsmith ;)
i recently saw pictures of highschool friends who got married. it was kind of strange but also humbling. i hope that when j and i start a family, we have really good, loving and close friends nearby that we can share our lives and love with. a&g already fit the bill being super awesome lovebirds as well as a short 30min drive from us!
this is me with the xmas stocking that j *made* me! santa came and filled it and i was very excited and woke up early so we could open presents.

minou came round to open some pressies too... she got as many as we did!!!

ummmm, *who* is spreading rumours around mtl that i'm getting a divorce?! yes, i had a rough time earlier last year. but you know what? my man stuck with me. he's not about to give up on me nor is he going to let my propensity for running away from my problems get the better of me. we're in it for better or for worse (apparently!). i'm very lucky to have someone so patient with me. yesyes, he's not perfect (neither am i... though, i suspect i may be closer to it ;) but hey, i get shitty with my family and even with some of my best friends and vice versa, but there's something to be said for longevity and for recognising who's important and for seeing who you love and, more difficultly, who really loves you. so, no. i am not getting a divorce and coming back to montreal to go on some freaky sex rampage, sorry to get your hopes up darlings! lmao!
debating whether a second, small glass of red is in order...?
technically (i love all the things this can exempt), i'm not drinking anymore. that doesn't include by myself (which i personally have never seen as *having a problem* that's funny!) or with people in other countries (i have a date on saturday... nehkid nehkid nehkid!) just a lot more of the h2o instead... and redbull. wooooooo yeah! i have a marathon on july 1st, aka canada day!
oooo! tomorrow (or, by now it's today) is australia day! yea! happy wombats everybody!
we've had this tiny little baby gecko hanging around the house! i love this picture of him, his big head cracks me up! i used to name all of them, but there are so many and minou kills them whenever she can that i just can't keep track! this guy was special though, i rescued him from a swatting session with minou once... i haven't seen him around lately though... but i haven't found his little body either... there is hope yet.

that's it... i'm going on a mission right now, at 2am, to find that little baby gecko!
(truthfully, i've had it with you people and i'm going to bed.)
there is love all around us, you just have to give a little to get it.
dream of me!
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