minou is much better now (she did have an infected abscess and we did take her to the vet first thing the following morning, thanks to whoever posted that comment... while i'm asking, who is p. that posted the comment on saturday november 4? i have a good guess, but i'm not sure!!!).
anyways, kitty's on antibiotics and she's had her hair cut off her forehead. now i call her lobotomy kitty :) (pictures to follow, i'm sure)
this morning i had a webchat with my grandmother and mother-in-laws, they are so sweet and both doing well... i kinda feel guilty that it's summer here and my family and friends are all about to suffer through a cold winter... especially when my winter was comparable to a canadian summer! but then, when i think about it more, i just think: suckers. you could move here if you really wanted to! mwah ha ha ha ha! *giggle*
last weekend matt and i hit the 6 year mark... he was off running a race that day (saturday)... actually he was gone all weekend. so, rather than being put off baking after sending my team captain to the hospital, i thought i'd bake my husband a pie and see if it worked again... heeheehee! just kidding :)
so i made a tarte aux poires (french pear tart) (as well as spaghetti bolognese and tasty bruschetta!)...
this is the tarte

and this is the tart baking a tarte! *giggle*

this morning i'm having cheerios with yogurt, mango, nectarine, pear, banana and some sesame and linseeds... mmmm! i love the tropical fruit tasties that i can buy here :) the cheerios suck though. they don't sell real cheerios, they sell the multi-kind and i think those ones have added sugar... i only have a handful at a time, it's mostly a fruit salad, but i would still prefer real cheerios in the yellow box... hinthint lizzard breath who's putting together my xmas care pack! xoxo ... actually, don't send them!!! the totally anal quarantine inspectors would probably charge me $50 to have the box of cereal gamma-rayed before i could eat them! seriously, they've confiscated sachets of herbal tea that sue has tried to send in greeting cards, just something to keep us warm when it was chilly, and we've gotten letters asking us to pay $46 to have 2 tea bags shot with gamma rays! how funny! but babe, that doesn't mean you can't still send the eyeliner! - that's the main thing i want!
today should be good cause it's friday!!! woo-hoo! and i've already had like 2 cups of coffee! woo-hoo! friday is jeans day, i'm going to wear my sexkitten jeans... will have to post a pic of those sometime too, they give great ass :)
and my boss is in bali for the next week. the office is already quieter and more relaxed :)
tomorrow i have a big run, 9 miles... i haven't run that long in ages so i'm a bit apprehensive. LSD does it though... (for those of you not in training, LSD stands for LongSlowDistance... not 'cid!) ... but i should be ok. you'll probably be able to read about it on my marathonkitty.
this weekend it looks like we're hitting the coast tomorrow for a bit of sunsurfandsand. we were going to head down to lismore to say goodbye to g&l who are moving to canada but with the pussy on antibiotics we're not going anywhere overnight! we would take her there too but g&l have a kitten, and with my pussy jumping anything that moves, it's probably not the best idea!
le weekend - on attaque!
tee hee hee... You don't know me, because you know me as J, not P. *shrug*
btw, glad you got your kitty to the vet.;)
AHA! i know you :) :) :)
and now your last comment makes sense!
and it hasn't been 10 years you geek, like 3-4 since the last time i saw you... it was just before/after one of my tattoos... hip or shoulder? was i blonde?
lol no. It's been way 10 years, at least. You still don't know who I am. tee hee.. I wasn't one of your close friends in high school, but some of your peeps hung out with my peeps, only yours did wayyy less drugs (if any at all) and caused less (or no) neighborhood badness... :D
3-4 years ago I was back in school in Montreal and totally disconnected from everybody I used to know...
Or maybe I did see you 3-4 years ago, and I just don't remember... I'm baaad with faces that way. But I don't think so.
So you know two j->p people? That's interesting. :D
I should really try to comment earlier and not at 3AM so I don't sound like such a moron each time.:D
How's your kitty?
Obviously, whoever this anonymous poster is didn't know you or "yo' peeps" at all.
Um, Star Wars Missions? Fertilizing the West Island? The Rearranging Game?
Hey, Em...ran into "Beautfiul Red-Haired Vince" last night. How random is that? Blasto de Pasto.
Umm... No. It was more indirect than that. Like I said, some of my peeps hung out with some of her peeps. I didn't hang out with her peeps or her. Hence, I don't know of any badness, but as far as reputation goes... Then again, what seems sometimes isn't- or usually isn't. *shrugs*
You know- it's not that big a deal. Don't get your hopes up for somebody cool or anything. :D Just passin' through, stoppin' in to say hi.. Hi. :)
It's cool that you're all married and everything though. Nice to see people all grown up and getting successful.
Mark (remember Mark?) got married this summer too...
i know, like, a hundred and fifty million marks.
Mark from high school... Mark the super A student? He married Alyssa (the other super A student)... I was a bridesmaid- the only bridesmaid over 100lbs, lol.
Here- I don't know if links work, but I took pics...
Okay, anonymous one. Out of the closet with you! This game is getting old.
Ah, Mark Auger. The diabetic who refused to let me give him his insulin shot on a bumpy bus ride during a grade 10 field trip.
The jig is up!
lol I'm not Mark though, I just took the pics. I'm Prin.:)
Prin? Man. It's been *ages*!
Shufflin' through those pix was quite the jaunt down memory lane. :)
Hope all's well with you an' the gang...I just realized the other day that this year marks the 10th anniversary of high school graduation. Kinda scary. :)
All da best,
omg, no way, eh!? My god, we're all going to be thirty soon. When did that happen?! lol
The memory lane thing is kinda what Em's blog does for me, hehe. I've totally lost touch with everybody.
It's so fun to see people having fun... When did our generation become so dang career driven? *rolls eyes* I thought we all agreed not to become our parents... I so miss travelling... *sigh*
btw, I'm not really that chubby (as in the wedding pics). The rest of 'em bridesmaids are TINY. :D Ok, so I don't run marathons like Emily... Julie's wedding to Colin is in my photobucket too.. And my doggies..;)
Anyway, I'm kinda glad you weren't all, "Oh.. Just Prin. What a waste of time!" lol
Take care, eh?
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