saturday's back, but not in the gruesome way it was last week! now it's beautiful and sunny. j came with me at 7:30 this morning and we ran 7 miles (11.3km) together, chatting along the way. i got some training tips and my gait analysed. i taught my lesson, had a minute's silence at 11:11, went sports clothes window shopping with j, then to govinda's for a delicious hare krishna lunch (i'm *still* stuffed!) and walked through town looking at nice stuff. then we hit the supermarket and bought a footy ball (that's rugby for any of you on the upside)... did i tell y'all how i joined a touch team? touch rugby. it's fun and i've met some very nice people! this is my league my team is mavro skillo... yes, i know, we have yet to win a game. but i try really really really hard.
next week i'm gonna bake peanut butter-choc chip cookies for my teamates :)
i know there are a bunch of you that i owe emails/phone calls to. not that i *owe* them, just that i've been wanting to send an email or make a phone call to you. k, g, janetto, flo, kim... j finishes at his highschool on monday so i will have full access to the computer again! AND next weekend he's off doing a 500km race so i will probably be bored and just phoning around. get your webcams and internet connections up and running girls and i'll get my calling card recharged. (i spoke to sue, my motherinlaw, for a whole hour and it cost me about 75c. she's in victoria bc now)
OOH YEAH! so, last weekend, when i was all meh, i go to the bottle shop and the dude behind the counter was all chipper and sweet (being little and about 21) and he starts asking me where i'm from etc. i said mtl and turns out he's going there in a few weeks and he doesn't know what to do while he's there. he goes "we've got this friend there but he's a bit of a loser and we kind of want to go out!" so... calling all fun-lovin montrealers who want to show some aussie blokes a good time... let me know and i'll give you his email. keep in mind that he was super nice to me and totally cheered me up just by being friendly and very, i dunno, a bit like me in his cheery, bubbly attitude? (ok, except when i'm feeling dumpy, like last week!)
i just had a really strong coffee and need to go and tidy my house so i can go out and meet my friends down the road. cleaning is for the dinner party we're having tomorrow night.
coffee makes my writing very erratic.
i feel kinda crazy right now!!
woo hoooooo!
i want to see the penguins!
Hey emily-poo!!!
Need to talk to you asap, i'll be home all week. when's a good time to call you?? email me! miss you, love you to the moon and back again!
<3 your sistah!
bizibeth - you can call me anytime... i just might not be able to answer sometimes! oh, and my voicemail is on the fritz (this past month) so you can't leave me a message either.
how about i call you and get you to call me back when it's a good time for me to talk?
emmy -xoxoxoxoxoxo-
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