any of you checking my blog on a fairly regular basis will know that i didn't actually post this on the date it says. but i thought i would change the date because that's the date i am writing about... my birthday!!
so on the night of the 18th, i went to bed just after midnight. j came into the bedroom holding something in his hand and, being as obstinate as i am, wouldn't let him bring a present into the room without me opening it cause technically it was the 19th!
it was a bandana with a fiery pattern, wrapped around a bday card. inside the card (which was totally cute!) was a pirate eye patch, a big gold earring and a treasuah map! he'd hidden my presents (all 11 of them!) all around the house and garden. the card had 3 rules written inside. rule #1: eye patch must be worn at all times, rule #2: every time you find a present, you must call out "argh, there's my booty!", rule #3: no skipping rules!!
so, here i am running around the house and garden searching for treasure in my pyjamas turned pirate costume screaming "argh! where the bloody hell is me booty??"

{later on in the day, as we were listening to the radio, we found out that it was, unbeknownst to us, international talk like a pirate day... every year. on my birthday. international talk like a pirate day! WHAT MORE COULD A GIRL FRICKIN' WANT???!!!}
j, love him to pieces, took a movie of me trying to find my booty. instead of uploading it onto my blog here, i'll give you a link for it: argh, me booty!
since it was my birthday, i'd booked the day off work ages ago. spent a couple of hours in the morning getting ready for the day with a shower and a bath, some pampering, put on one of my fave dresses, painted my toenails (which are ruined from my bike accident yesterday) and listened to my new cds!
here's a list of what i got:
$100 gift certificate for sex kitten... i've totally been drooling over this shop since i saw it and j gets serious brownie points for this present!
2 cds: camille's le fil and ben harper's diamonds on the inside
a bouquet of dried french lavender, recently harvested... smells divine!
a new muscle tank, white with an indian style pattern on the front with sparkly black beads
book: 50 great curries of india (yummy recipes with an awesome spice glossary)
an awesome emilystrange mini skirt... pictures will follow. trust me!
bath teas in ginger and sandalwood scents
book: the enchanted cat; feline fascinations, spells and magick (spells to work with my minou)
book: byron bay beauty (a book celebrating natural beauty and the byron culture)
a mont martre watercolour pad
from my grandparents: cute little silver dangly earrings.
from my fam: j&m combined bday present of $300AUS to furnish our new house with :)
from jean-lou and shelley: salon quality shampoo and conditioner, especially for my hair type!
from my work: a gorgeous hanging orchid plant with 10-15 purple blooms out at the moment!
from so many friends and family members: birthday wishes and ecards and love across the miles. special thanks to flo for her messages on her various blogs!
this is me drying my toenails in my bedroom...

this is a self portrait of me at 26...

and, just for fun, one of me at 23...

i did some laundry and hung it out in the sun, it felt wholesome.
i blew up some balloons and strung them outside so my dinner guests could find our little house tucked away on broadmere street. i even put some streamers up! my guests thought it was very cute... and it was!
we had tortilla chips with salsa and guacamole, i baked some awesome enchiladas, shelley&kris brought salad, jean-lou&peter brought red wine and baked cheesecake. we ate and drank, laughed a lot, gossiped a bit, played cranium (which my team won!... as you do on your birthday:) we had a little fire in the fireplace, popped party poppers and i was hostess with the mostest! it was wonderful! i was so happy all day!
then, after some amazing bday sex, it was off to bed for little em.
...smiles and hugs all around... xoxoxoxo
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