i would like to take a moment to pay tribute to a great australian legend.
RIP Steve Irwin.
i got my hands on a whole bunch of croc hunter episodes before coming to australia so i could get psyched up about going and so i could learn some aussie lingo, mate.
but long before that, when i was still living at my parent's house, are my favourite steve irwin memories. i would come home late, late, late after the bars were closed and mischief was made; drunkandstoned. and soon after, or shortly before, paul would come home and we would satisfy our munchies on the sofa together, giggling like idiots at this crazy guy from australia jumping around the marsh, tackling dangerous animals... late night discovery channel... he was so much fun... we learnt stuff... he was so happy to be doing what he was doing...!
*giggling like frickin' idiots!*
a light has gone out.

i do realise the irony of posting in memory of steve irwin on september 11th.
i hold my ground, however, a light has gone out.
I was going to point out the irony, but it seems it has already dawned on you....3000 victims of international terror and the crocodile guy. What a sad day! (I am not being facetious, it really is sad.) By the way, did you here about the shooting at Dawson?
i *did* hear about the shootings at dawson... sent chills down my spine as a mental image of the atrium popped into my head and i pictured gunshots going off inside. schools should be safe places to learn (and show off your funky sense of style). not that. definitley not that.
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