okay! okay!
back by popular demand, here are a few pics from recent adventures!
(if they suk it's cause i don't have a camera and they were taken from my phone!
this is from the grocery store. they are brown tomatoes. wtf?

this is me on my battery shift... highlight of the last few months has been saturday night shifts at the casino with mara promoting battery 'a hot new energy drink, kind of like red bull but a little more tart! *giggle*'
our outfits didn't suck and we'd knock off when we ran out of sampling cups and indulge in a couple of glasses of bad white, aka troll water... sometimes leading to more glasses and bigger nights out :)

gratuitous pussy shot

tulsi and i on another totally random and fun big night out together!! unfortunately smirnoff black hangover = BAD TIMES.

smiles with zoƫ at kim's bday party!

the illustrious clare at kim's bday party (just so you know, my sweater got the letters HOFF on the back ;)

this is my grocery list, i write it on my magnetic white board, still leftover from wedding party in hiro, and take a picture of it with my phone... then i walk around the supermarket squinting at the little picture on my screen while wandering up and down the aisles and, all too frequently, pushing my trolley and jumping on it and screaming 'wheee!' as i careen along between rows of corned beef and tinned soup.

this is with j, we got a demo shift together doing crown gold lager, 'crown gold's new premium mid-strength'.
my outfit was outrageous, i was an airline hostess and had to hand out 'boarding passes' entitling patrons to $1.50 off a stubby of crown gold. it encouraged comments like 'where are you gonna fly me to sweetheart?' and 'i'd like to board you'... lovely. fortunately, it was a demo that the company wouldn't send me on without escorts! in this shift, my husband and another lovely bloke!

this is bilby sleeping but looking like he's about to take off with his ears!! they are so pert and attentive, always moving everywhere to hear everything going on, a life of their own!

this is the most impressive troll mara and i met on our battery shifts! we only got this one picture of her and it does not do her justice... we are still trying to figure out which bridge she lives under so we can go and observe her in her natural habitat, infatuated as we are!

this is a shot of mara and i that one of the blokes standing behind the troll took when he thought we were trying to capture a moment, and not a creature! we were giggly!!!

and this is the tangle of kittes at my feet the other night in bed. bilby blends in with the blanket so is a little hard to see but you can tell that minou is putting on a bit of weight chowing down on his kitten food! my babies!

and this is out in the valley last night with jesse after seeing butterfingers play, and bumping into an old workmate and also another crown gold hostess that i did a shift with! random!!! butterfingers were awesome as expected!!!

fun fun times!
and my bday plans include the actual day off work and a trip to the salon with anna for a haircut - expect pics! - and free tickets to a premier of superbad. don't know anything about it except that it's a comedy (my fave genre) and made by the same people who did 40year old virgin which i almost died laughing from. i don't want to know anything else about it so don't tell me please!
then on the weekend, a saturday bday party which i will wear a pink dress with pink nails, bake a pink cake, and serve pink punch at with pink balloons and streamers. c'est la vie en rose and bite me if you don't like it!
but geez do i have a lot of housework to do before then! and baking!
wish me luck!
gros bisous!
n. -xoxoxoxo-
Great pics. I'm glad your kitties get along so well. :)
And I love how your man looks all protective in that airline thingy shot. :D
I hear there's a new haircut and I want to see it!!
Hi I love you ....
please come play with me on facebook. I have lots of pictures of Aviva...
Its your birthday next weeks, I know, and I am getting a head start so you don't think I forgot. So Happy Effing Birthday!
Dude, where are the pictures of your Pepto Bismol themed birthday party? I'm waiting. With baited breath, whatever that means... but chances are, Prin is waiting too. Prin, can I get a 'hells ya'?!
p.s. I'm applying for a scholarship to an AUS masters program... if I have a $33k horseshoe up my ass, you may see me sooner. Rather than later, which really would be the only option outside of sooner.
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