slack yes.
good reason? hell ya!
as luck and love would have it, i am 6 weeks and one day pregnant and OVER THE EFFING MOON ABOUT IT!
(and will therefore probably have to learn to stop swearing at some point.)
not planned, nope. very surprised, yep. very happy, yep!
j is very happy too :) i woke up the morning after i told him to find him gently rubbing my belly. which looks bloated already... i thought we were allowed to get away with flat (or flat-ish in my case) stomachs for the first little while? i look bloated. other changes i noticed are sore boobs. sore enough to warrant me holding them as i attempt basic household chores like laundry... ever tried to fold a shirt with both hands on your tits? not gonna happen. really tight sports bras that smoosh everything into place seem to be my best bet at the moment but i just can't sleep in something that constricting. and the kitties must have an inkling too cause they keep jumping up onto the bed and landing directly on my chest... lovely.
the pink birthday party was very, very pink. stemming from the fact that i love strawberries lately. and strawberries are high in folic acid, an essential nutrient in the early stages of pregnancy. my body knew before my mind did. speculations include that, due to the pinkness of late, i will be having a girl or a very flamboyant boy.
i will post a bunch of pics from my actual birthday-day as well as from my party. and any others that i think might be fun too!
then i will go back to tidying my house which is strewn with books with titles like yoga for pregnancy, vegetarian pregnancy, the runner's world's guide to running through pregnancy, pilates for pregnancy (that one has scary pictures), eating for pregnancy, pregnancy and you magazine, water birthing (can't read that yet, too graphic and can't deal)... to name a few!
and i had a craving for crumble today. strawberry rhubarb crumble. i ate almost half a kilo of strawberries this morning. wooooooo-weeeeeee!
here are some pictures of my gorgeous cake... i baked the chocolate cake underneath, and zoë and dinah decorated it for me while i was getting ready... it was lovely! the flowers are from zoë to match my party dress!!!

here is a pic of some of the decorations!

here is me with the sparklers on the cake!

here is me cutting the cake!

the next day bilby was enthralled by the balloons! minou was exhausted after her wild excape into the night. we did manage to get her inside before i passed out, much to my relief! i have a video of bilby playing with one of the balloons! i also have a video of myself and party guests playing with balloons (ahh, inhaling helium... is there anything sillier?!) i will have to do some you tube posts sometime soon!

and here are some pics from the 19th. i had the day off work and went to jean-lou's to get a haircut, then came home and slept on it. then j and i went to montezuma's for some mexican, i had a lovely strawberry marguerita, and then we had free tickets to the sneak preview of superbad! it was too funny and we loved it!!

man! that took way too long to upload. i need a nap now!
love and kisses!
Yeah! Pictures!!!
I hope that your whole pregnancy goes smoothly ... the Pregnancy Journal will definitely be in the mail to you tomorrow!
Your new hair and all of you look fabulous as always.
Do tell Zoë and Dinah that I love what they did with your cake! Oh, and I love how your dress went camo with your flowers: "Where's Emily?"
Congratulations, Fertile Emily!
Looks like G's praying for *somebody else* to have kids finally got listened to... :)
Good luck... hope you don't end up with the Shrek feet my sister has, the diarrhea and heartburn G had, or experience any "stellate tearing" (the very thought of which makes my girlie parts cringe)!
Why do I have a feeling you'll be keeping a 9-month poop journal?
xox - ddd!
they're dark right now cause of the pregnancy pills i'm on :)
lots of iron! (don't say you didn't start it!)
wait till i tell you everything yummy i've been eating lately!
will write/call soon!
em -xoxo-
ps my skype is down and i can't get it working again!? any tips?
ohmigosh ohmigosh ohmigosh!!!!! I am so fecking excited!! I am in my eighth month, no runny poops, gas, heartburn, shrek feet or any other horror story pregnancy symptom, YOU WILL BE GREAT!!! Listen to your body, don't hold it in when you have to go, feed your cravings A LITTLE, keep moving and don't let your hormones destroy your personality. Oh, and take it easy with iron pills. Too much of a good thing will leave you EXTREMELY constipated. Ohmigosh, I am so excited for you. I love you and that little FEETOOSE already... you must post belly pics. You can see mine on facebook. I LOVE YOU!!!!
Well *of course* she has no runny poops, gas, heartburn, or shrek feet. She's in the f*cking Holy Land! If you lived near Jesus and that salty sea, your digestive tract would be clean as a whistle too. As for the Shrek feet... it's the altitude.
Hi Koryn. :)
'sup. ACTUALLY, I had all of the above and then some with my first but with an eight hour a week yoga regimen I ain't feelin' no pain (except I pee every 12.5 minutes). Jesus helps too...
i am so bloated.
that's the only thing i can't get over, is how bloated i am!
i have pants that don't fit already!
k- you have to send me your yoga routine! i don't want shrek feet! i have too much of a shoe fettish from my job! (sports shoes, it's happy feet!)
i'll have to take a pic of my bloated belly and y'all can decide for me if it's bloatation or if i'm showing... which would be shockingly soon. i didn't plan on buying bigger clothes til january! (i thought cause i'm petite i'd get away with it!) ... or it could be the fact that most of the clothes i wear are fairly fitted! (blush!)
PS i got skype working again so expect some random calls fools!
umm, sorry to diasppoint but the fitter and smaller you are the sooner you show. As for feet, just stay away from heels and keep your feet up, stand on your head a little. I'll send you my routine by e-mail...
luv ya mummy em
omg! Congrats! I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly. Good luck! :)
Ok! I have an issue with talking about Gs diarrea....JEEBUS!
Yay, babies all over the world!
Just enjoy your pregnancy as much as you goes by so quickly and next thing you know they are 5 and taking the bus off to school.
Babies are fun. All you gotta do is love em to pieces. Thats it.
I want a baby :)
Maybe I will just get Mj a hamster.....
Sigh...why cant you live closer so I can have Hemilybaby time.
:) Good luck! And post belly pics they make great souvenirs later (take one atleast once a month until birth and then frame em and put a pic of you, Matt and the baby at the end. very cute)
Gotta go to the bus stop - but will be here in 10 minutes :) They grow so fast....
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