prepare for pictures! ...this takes way too long but i'm determined (and doing mountains of laundry in between typing... first clear day in a while!)
we had a lovely holiday with sue, j's mom. she was here from early december until last week. we went on a few trips and the 3 of us enjoyed watching my belly grow!
all is going well healthwise. i like being pregnant so far and am having fun being a fatty pants! seems like the 2nd trimester isn't so riddled with hormones as the first and i'm feeling pretty normal. the only exception is when i don't get to eat on time and that will reduce me to cranky, frustrated tears!
j has just started at his new job, he'll be teaching a class of 13 korean boys, all soccer prodigies, out in australia to get some advanced training and english skills. not what we spent the last 2 years studying for but right up our alley! and a foot in the door at one of the best schools in brisbane.
i'm looking forward to winding down and going on maternity leave as work has been hectic this month with the busy season and people quitting and getting ill all the time. mix in doctor's appointments on what seems like a fortnightly basis and i'm spent!
the kitties are good, bilby is passed out under the desk as i type. minou must be passed out on my VW under the house! it's almost ready to drive, j's been doing a stellar job fixing it.
my mum booked her ticket out here! she arrives in sydney on june 3rd, same day baby's due! we'll see if she arrives before or after baby! ... any bets? what fun :)
and in about 3 weeks time one of my bfs from highschool arrives in brissie for an 18 month master's degree at the uni around the corner from my house! how very, very exciting! i am sure giggles will ensue!
other than all this, i am trying to take it easy on my first day home alone in about 3 months. done a lot of chatting on the ol' skype account (managed to spend almost $4 and it took me about 3 hours!), made ginger-honey-lemonade, doing some laundry and ate a tasty lunch. will walk up to the bank shortly then work on dinner... eggplant curry sounds tasty!
lots of bisous and love and happy new years to everyone!
enjoy the pics!
you know you love my shades!
o christmas tree!
at the botanical gardens, i was hot and thirsty and kept having to pee!
we went to the museum!
j graduated! yeah! congratulations, i was proud (that i stayed awake through the whole ceremony and of him! :)
bollywood dance recital night
we took a trip down to byron bay and i had my belly henna-ed! instead of flashing my boobies everywhere, i flashed my belly!
mushrooms are ever present
rainforest fun!
happy 3rd anniversary! (see the pretty necklace j got me?)
mmmmmm... pregnancy cake!
sue asked us to pose for a few photos... by the end of it we were in giggly fits and couldn't be taken seriously anymore!
and we are still giggling!
christmas morning!
as per aussie tradition, we went to the beach on christmas day and brought along some good friends, rich n iwey! lovely day!
this is the pregnant profile about a month ago! (yes, i am sticking it out... if you got it, flaunt it baby!)
with j and mom-in-law
while making some christmas phone calls home to family, this fish fell from the sky right next to where iwey and i were lounging! my mum thought it sounded hilarious as i squealed about a dead fish falling from above!
we played a game of beach cricket (très aussie!)
and later at a pretty park j played his ukulele with gusto!
and the four of us played settler's of catan (best game *ever*)
i won despite looking slightly 'challenged' :)
and a kookabarra came to say hi!
bilby's as cute as ever in the garden (minou is ever elusive!)
j's couz sent some gorgeous flowers to congratulate us on graduation and upcoming additions! thanks kel!
up at the beach in noosa last monday!
noosa beach makes good for relaxing!
and good for koala spotting!

j and sue took a walk through lammington national park one day! these are some pics of their adventures :)
they saw pademelons (they're little like wallabies!)
hung out under big ferns,
got hung out on!
the views look stunning (and sue looks cute!)
and on the drive home they saw some 'roos!
last sunday evening we had jay and his gf ryoko over for a bar-b, we played frisbee into the sunset and scrabble... the game du jour :)
and last but not least, this is what i've been working hard to make over the last 4.5 months... a sneak preview of our baby!

finally!! you look goregeous, emmi!i love your little bundle already...sorry bout the lack of syntax, nursing and typing. who's stydying in oz? anyone i know? as for your mom being on time for baby ematt...i was two weeks late with both my girls, so ya never know. i love you, keep those postings coming!
Way awesome, E!! I'm so happy for you. :)
Oh, wow!!! I love love love the photos and I can't believe that I keep missing your calls! So is your computer working then? Is webcam talking an option at all?
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