nymphcapades... let the riots begin.

what my brain ate today.

Saturday, August 26

and it’s been ages again since my last post…

news: we’ve found a house. 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, nice yard, bar b, fireplace… the relief will set in when we move in 2 weeks. spare room available. all visitors welcome! be warned however, i will smother you with my hostess-ing as i haven’t been able to do it for so long!

it’s getting progressively warmer here, today it’s hitting 30C, unusual for august i am told. i love it. will be heading to the beach on sunday J

i’ve put my mind to it and i will be doing my master cleanse starting this weekend… was going to start on saturday but just got wind of a “beach theme” party with a whole bunch of canadians who are in j’s program at school. umm, i would like to disassociate myself from this absurd idea of a “beach theme” party in australia… aren’t the majority of parties beach theme simply due to the fact that *we’re in australia*??… it’s all beachiness, all the time. i don’t know what saturday is all aboot but we’ll see how we go! personally, i’d rather a proper theme party; like 80s theme. or, if you want to do relish the fact that you’re down undah, do a marsupial theme party! – there is no way i would come dressed as a smelly koala but.

so, i guess i’m just meandering along my life path now… feeling a lot less crazy as the planets get back into a more reasonable pattern of alignment… who else felt like they were going completely insane for a while there? i bought myself some oil pastels and some paper for drawring and will start engaging my creativity again… pictures a la ‘pussy pad’! who remembers those?! ;)

it was brought to my attention the other day that i am not the only person to ditch all recognisable forms of mental support to live somewhere far away… it hit home when i received a tearful message on my phone from janetto: sleepless in seattle. This came only days after i left a message for d. to approximately the same degree… if i wasn’t in tears at the time of the message, i would have been soon, had she picked up. or how about the handfuls of times i’ve cried into f&j’s answering machine… yikes! when the world was a smaller place, people didn’t leave best buds scattered across continents. but, when the world was a smaller place, the opportunities and adventures were smaller too. and i bet my cell phone bill would’ve been smaller! (we will get a home phone line hooked up at the new house… more affordable for y’all to leave intoxicated sobs on message banks!)

i’m sure i have heaps of pictures to post up here too… got a good one from seaworld the other weekend… since that outing i’ve been obsessed with dugongs. they are the australian version of the manatee, the difference is that their tails are more streamlined. i saw the dugong at seaworld eat lettuce. it was fascinating. ;) the sharks were awesome too! it was only when i got home, lay back in bed and saw images from the day floating across my imagination that it hit me… i had stood gazing at sharks with just a thin piece of glass separating me from them! the tropical fishies were real purdy too. we saw them at just the right time of day with the sunlight streaming through and bringing out all the vivid colours. and i saw a big turtle-- but i’d seen one of those while snorkelling just north of brissie when we first got here. and another big turtle while i was out on my board about 3 weekends ago… yeah, that’s right suckers. i was out on my board watching turtles and catching waves and rays of sunshine IN THE MIDDLE OF *WINTER*. how cool is that?! (so cool it’s hot actually!)

i s’pose i’ll be doing more posting when we get our new place too. more time to play cause the house is only 4.5km from my office… i can start riding my cyclimble again! -note to self, need a basket, and maybe some spokey dokes too, just to be real cool-

i know i still need to touch base with heaps of you (kim & anna pop to mind!) and i will be much better at keeping up soon when i feel i have a bit more space and control of my life.

i love you all heaps and think of you more than you know (and more than i let you know too!)


Thursday, August 3

this picture could be a clue to what did my neck in...
or at least contributed to it!

this is where minou likes to sleep. her regular sleeping position has been stolen by a big scarf that i've been wearing to bed since doing my neck in on monday night/tuesday morning. tuesday was, hands down, the most pain i've ever been in... comparable only to the time i pulled a muscle in my foot at wrestling practice, dawson, and have never really been on the mats since. hopefully this injury doesn't stunt me in the same way because that would be very, very sad! i'm starting to feel much better and since this injury involves big scarves rather than crutches, i'm good. it's also nice that i don't have to rely on bfs to drive me around, although j did pick me up from work on tuesday because i was in such a miserable state. owee owee ow. the acupuncture i got during my (extended) lunch break probably helped!

so, we'll see how we go. i'm supposed to run the bridge to brisbane 12km on sunday but am reluctant. i really don't feel up to par lately...

*i don't have pictures, unfortunately, but i would like to rub this in* it's winter here. last sunday i lazed about on the beach, in byron bay, in my bikini and went body boarding without a springy (wetsuit) and didn't get cold.
{i'm going to take time to point out that i don't go out on my board in my bikini, it chafes skin and i end up with heaps of sand in my suit, so i wear boardies and a rashie- i save the bikini for loungin and lookin good :}
so, continuing on my thread... nanananapoopoo! it's winter here and i'm engaging in the same, if not better, activities. oh, oh, oh... did i *mention* there were dolphins??? hahahahahahahahahahahaha!