nymphcapades... let the riots begin.

what my brain ate today.

Thursday, July 27

i got to eat bananars today :) ... the soup-thing is going well. i'm reluctant to say diet cause i'm not doing it to lose weight (much). it feels great to be getting back to the '5 serves of veg and 3 fruit a day' (or whatever it is they advertise on the sides of buses with their new campaign!).

my new french student gave me a big, shiny, red apple before yesterday's lesson. i don't think a student has ever given me an apple before. maybe a whole bag of apples, definitely a whole bag of mikans!, but a single apple? dunno about that :)
this poor student of mine's forray into french is looking pretty bleak but i already had a good rant about it yesterday and it's out of my system.

i think i'm addicted to panty shopping. not a bad addiction at all, but it could get expensive :)

i've insisted on an apartment. have possibly found some quality furniture at a good price and will start looking for a place soon. would like to be out by my birthday. and, once again, i think to myself that maybe moving will solve all my problems. maybe i really do just need more space? ... problem is, i remember thinking the same thing back in japan: just ignore it, the problem will solve itself once we get to australia. at least in japan i could pinpoint my problems easier and didn't feel like i had this psychotic-cramped-headspace-where-nothing-makes-sense-anymore...

i think i need to paint my nails tonight!

Tuesday, July 25

let's go shopping!

music to any girl's ears! and to many boys' too!


FRIDAY- shopping downtown, bought the cutest little roxy vest, black with pink interior, tres 80s :) and an adorable peachy-pink volcom miniskirt... the abundance of surf shops, surf brands, surf sales and general surfarama in this country is enough to make any beach lovin babe cum.
then out to dinner at godiva's: a vegetarian, hare krishna, cafeteria-style eatery... despite the rather bright lights and the flashbacks of highschool and ski hills that using a tray brought back, the food was simply to die for... or at least to be reborn for! mouthwatering. i ate too much, and quickly felt the pressure on my kidneys which were still sore from the abuse i put them through last weekend. (note to self: don't be such a lush)

SATURDAY- had changed my lesson to later in the day as i was expecting to go out on friday night but i couldn't change my waxing appointment-- so at 10am i was having my shortncurlies ripped off along with a layer of my dignity as i struggled vainly not to wince. then it was off to garden citya: shopping mall with no garden in sight.
coffee break to start. argument with j. told him i was going crazy and that i'd started smoking again. tears behind my shades. angry tears of confusion, frustration and miscommunication. ---> i guess that left j feeling emotionally guilty enough to let me loose in the 'italian house of leather', a purse shop. i emerged victorious and smiling with a new purse, wine coloured with studs, and a new wallet- leather with a snake skin print :)
then we bought trivial pursuit cause we adore our geekdom.
then i taught my lesson, met a new student for coffee, and spent the night at home until it was late enough to try and rouse friends overseas from their slumber. had a good chat with janetto- thanks for that, babe.


spent a large part of the morning lazing in a hammock, still felt kinda sick. morning tea with arthur and elaine. checked out the line up for the brisbane international film festival... pretty fun stuff: am excited about a movie called executive koala. (yes, yes, i will add links to these in time, just not this morning).
discovered that the version of trivial pursuit purchased was a pop culture version, normally i would be delighted as i would kick j's ASS however, it is an australian pop culture version of the pursuit and does me no good. so back to garden city to exchange it. no regular versions in the whole mall. off to the hyperdome ('nother mall) to see if they had what we craved... no such luck but we did stop along the way at the sunglasses outlet-
i got new sunnies! i'm so happy! they're so cool! they're cooler than yours! morrissey-barbiepink-aviator. awesome!!!
then dinner and a movie at the hyperdome. pirates of the carribean should have been labelled part one so as not to make me think i was actually going to see a whole movie... but whatever; johnny depp as a pirate makes me so horny. mmm! my next purchase will be a new earring so i can be a pirate again. argh me mateys.

MONDAY- sucked as usual. no two ways about it. sucksucksucked. but i started a new class with this guy who wants to learn french. that's cool cause he wants heaps and heaps of lessons- more money for yours truly :)
i also started the veggie soup cleanse. which is tasty. i had soup for breakfast, lunch and dinner. with fresh fruit yesterday and fresh veg on the menu today. best of all, i'm not giving up coffee or tea for this so no debilitating headaches!

showertime. get to wear my new sunnies again today! :)

Wednesday, July 19

Saturday, July 15

have i been slackin' on my posts or what?!

bet you missed me :)

well, i'm back. just in time for the weekend... tonight will be a party hop between my computer (skype-ing!) and my neighbours' cause the kids are all there partying! i call them kids but they're actually about my age... minus the life experience. brisbane born and raised, most of them never left, possibly never going to, never even think about it.

i call it the great divide. you either have it or you don't. the travel bug. this unquenchable thirst for newness. for excitement. for thrills. sometimes for danger. a thirst for the unknown? no. it's not for the unknown because roads have been traveled and people do live along the way.

recently i was contemplating aloud with a friend and i realized that i am searching for somewhere that i feel comfortable. i guess somewhere that feels perfect and never gives me the mean reds.
*i'd just like to point out here that i said "contemplating with a friend"... i talk to myself all the time but i rarely utter truths or delve into myself. the moments of realization come when i have discussions. when i am relating to someone else what it is that i want or what it is that i'm doing. so, i'd just like to say thank you to all of you who have been sending me emails lately. or receiving mine, as crazy as they may be (disjointed ramblings). by saying things aloud, to someone who isn't me, i find myself. different strokes for different folks.*

oh, and i'd also like to take this moment to apologize for not sending out enough emails. i want to keep in touch better than i have been but, well, i just haven't. no excuses. i read your emails, i think of y'all heaps but i just don't write back sometimes. writers block? kind of. anyways, gomen ne.

TODAY i was forced to shop. forced shopping! awesome :)
it was raining in downtown brisbane when my foot slipped on a wet patch and the thong part of my platform flip flops just snapped. *lucky that* cause i would've been sprawled on my ass on a wet bridge otherwise! so i got a piggyback ride to myers (bad day to wear a miniskirt!) and tried to find a fab pair of shoes... nothing. talk about drab, old lady stylins! yikes! ...piggyback to the next location... found a pair of platform thongs to replace the ones that just died (RIP they were so good to me, sniff). these new ones kick ASS! i will post a photo to go with this entry once i've given myself a little pedicure :) little because i have little feet :) "ni ju san ten go? cho do ii yo ne!!" is what i heard all the time shoe shopping in hiroshima!

today i also ate really yummy baclava! it's my favouritest dessert of all time :)

and that's all she wrote. for lack of anything better to say... (or for lack of anything non-incriminating to say... ;)

big love gros bisous -xoxo-

Monday, July 10

i held a koala yesterday. i don't think i was ready to hold a koala.

one wouldn't think that you'd have to be 'ready' to hold a koala, but i wasn't. maybe i should've worn my sweater. maybe i should've gone to bed earlier. maybe it was pms. maybe i was expecting something different. really, i just wasn't ready and i hate to admit it because it sounds so lame, but it's the truth.

the koala was jumpy, afraid, steel wool-ey, sharp and smelly... what else am i not ready for? what other unpleasant surprises will i get? possibly i don't notice half the things that hurtle by me, things that i'm not quick or poised enough to grasp yet and it's only the simple ones, the ones i expected to be different, like the koala, that leave their mark.

i smelt like a koala for the rest of the day. koalars smell funny.

but, on the up side, i think i may be the first sabadoobie to hold a marsupial!

one comment about how tired i look or how much i've put on and you're dead. i'm only posting the koala picture to show off and the other ones are for g. g likes animals. and you know what sound a llama makes!

just as a reference point, that *is* an emu and it *does* stand taller than me and *despite* the fact that i was on the other side of some moat-thing i *still* couldn't get away fast enough... hence the low quality, hasty photo. i was quivering with fear. the excitement of the rides at dreamworld must have pushed the memory of this giant, scary, prehistoric bird from my head because i didn't have nightmares. i probably will tonight though after editing that photo!!

the first time i saw an emu was in coff's harbour. i was stalking a white peacock à la distance (it was seemingly window shopping in little boutiques, very picture perfect). when i rounded a corner i came face to face (give or take 5 metres) with this scary, gigantic bird. i burst into tears and demanded to be taken home (home being *not* a country with the most terrifying creatures known to em-kind).
i also hate the fact that the emu and i share the same first two letters.

i'll probably have a heart attack and die if i ever see a cassowary.

mondays still suck but with the start of my new gymbunniness, mondays just started to look up! i didn't kick my own ass too hard, rather i forced self restraint (yes, this is rare for the nymphtress). but i will soon be walking like a baby giraffe again! actually, i don't forsee too much pain because i can hit the 'onsen' right next to my new gym at anytime cause i'm getting a dual membership!

and HOTDOG did a bath ever feel good! i am not kidding when i say i can't remember the last bath i took (if you don't count the ocean or numerous rock pools and streams)... was it japan? vietnam? cambodia? have i taken a bath in australia? have i really been here over half a year? has time flown? why does it feel like centuries and seconds intermingled?!

the most noticeable difference between onsen's in japan and the bathhouse i just visited tonight are feet.

there was no clear deliniation as to where you should take your shoes off. i took mine off shortly after entering, it felt weird not to. i don't know where everyone else takes their's off, it was virtually empty.
and there were no slippers in the toilet area. EW. i am a bit of a footfreak. you will never catch me going to bed with dirty feet and you can bet i'll go all retentive if i catch you wearing sandals outside all day and not wash your feet before hopping between my sheets! gives me the heebiejeebies yo. no toilet slippers in the onsen toilet. can you imagine? i'm still grossed out.

i am super excited about my new haunt though. sadly for you, it'll mean less posts in nymphendom and more in marathonkitty... not the same style read!

but now my feet are nice and clean with a peekaboo pink pedicure. and my pillows, sheets, doonas and pussy are all whispering my name....

Saturday, July 8

yes folks, it's that time again!!!

-random thoughts by m. handy-

you're invited to read on and experience the little thoughts that run through my head this saturday night as i chill out at home doing really really boring things like laundry, nail painting and face masks while wearing a cute dress. because i can. and because i am so far from being tempted to do anything else tonight. my irritability level is off the charts today.

sucks to be you. ;)

>>so, yes my dear f, i'm feeling much better. recovered from my wickedness... would like to do my cleanse now but am still waiting for my syrup.
betcha quarantine took it. damn quarantine. those bastards keep opening the cards and packages sue sends and confiscating the herbal teas sachets. i loved getting those! then there'll be this note saying that we have to pay $42 to pick up our 2 tea bags... then i cackle wildly at the prospect of it.

>>...tonight i'm trippin' on chamomile tea...

>>how is it that the ironchef always wins and never the challenger!? not that i mind... i'm a big fan of hiroyuki sakai :)
à la cuisine!!!!

>>uh huh. it's been hours and i'm wonderfully uninspired. just a quiet night.

>>damnit. i am making a big effort to be pleasant this weekend! good me.

>>my washing machine has been broken lately. i've had to do laundry at the laundromat. i hate the laundromat. it destroys my pretty clothes. now my machine is fixed and i'm taking very good care of all my delicate little things. phew.
then i counted my collection to the tune of 12 days of christmas... *gigglegiggle*
16 thongs
11 pairs of briefs
4 pairs of short shorts
2 pairs of crotchless panties
and a handful of negligees ;)

>>i'm going to dreamworld again tomorrow! and this time i know that i'm going there (last time was a surprise) so i can wear something extra cute! and i'm going to hug a koala, you'll be seeing pictures of that fer sure! yay me!

>>bedtime overtaking... can't withstand the chamomile any longer... off i go... mmm...

Thursday, July 6

i was really hoping to spend my first sick day doing something really good... ;)

instead, i'm really sick.

hey, j in seattle, remember that time i called in sick on your day off and we went to the beach, got picked up by some japanese dudes in a boat and you went waterskiing? that was an awesome day!

i just have to learn that i CAN NOT keep up with my 21 year old neighbours. doesn't seem like a big age difference but i don't drink nearly as much as i did then. i can now be considered *such a lush*. plus, my best friend shannon-the-eight-year-old from across the street kept refilling my glass! what a sweetie.

my head hurts.

if anyone wants me, i'll be in bed for the rest of the morning. i only woke up to call my office anyways.

Tuesday, July 4

ce sont les mots que je désire... mais ce sont toujours les mots qui m'échappent.

pourquoi dit-on des mensonges? es-ce pour faciliter la vie? ou pour la rendre plus complexe? pour défaire la simplicité?

et si on ne parle pas, es-ce un mensonge?

...pamplemousse... :)

life goes on as usual...
friday = ended up alright... nerves as taught as violin strings though... had the shakes
saturday = "interesting," she mused.
sunday = slept in 'till noon, needed it. ate too much rich food. got tired too early. felt awake too late.
monday = my theory from last week concerning mondays has yet to be disproved. it was still un-fabulous. i am developing a growing dislike for mondays. something about them unsettles me.

today... well, it looks like it will be busy at work. yoga will feel nice... looking forward to stretching out a bit.

the sun's starting to rise earlier and earlier, and setting later and later. that's wonderful news... how much longer 'till it's warm enough to tempt me into a bikini? i'll just have to wait and see, down here on this crazy side of the equator.

.......vertigo envelops me as i press 'publish post'........ flashback? or caffeine?

it doesn't matter... never look a gift horse, eh?