i can't sleep.
i was just passed out all over brisbane, from the time i hopped in the van after my shift as a promo girl at the doomben races (that was fun but i wished i was a guest, not working!) i was passed out on the highway, passed out in the parking lot while j picked up some bread cause my poor feet wouldn't fit back into my heels, passed out on the futon after dinner watching harry potter, too passed out to stretch, straight to bed. and now
i can't sleep.
i have a 10km race tomorrow. i'm gonna do really well with or without sleep. but it's frustrating that i'm insomniatic at the moment! i'm hot, i'm cold. maybe i need more water, maybe i slept too much this afternoon. maybe i shouldn't have had those dangerous cocktails last night... but that was so much fun!
*oooooohhhh!* here's news! after about a month of me saying to my coworker how much i wanted to take bollywood dance classes, i find out that some of my fave ladies just joined up for bollywood on monday nights! i'm *so* in!! and i can wear my new nike frees (5.0) for the lesson. i'm so happy they fit like a glove! so i'm gonna be bollywooding my booty all over town! and, to top it off, there's a hip hop something or other lesson right after for an extra $3 (making the total $10 for 2 hours) and it sounds like a blast (cause the other girlies are doing it too!) so i'm happy :) and j actually liked the idea! this does mean that, since it falls on a monday night, i will have to tape desperate housewives and brothers and sisters... the latter of the two being the show i am constantly getting in trouble for watching by the spouse. "why would you watch another trash show? you could be doing so many other things. blah blah blah"... he's in for it next time there's some stupid sporting event on tv that i couldn't give a flying fuck about, i'll give ya the tip!
did i already mention that i can't sleep? ... is it noticeable in that i am becoming a little more agitated as the minutes of sleep deprival tick on?
i read this month's entire cosmopolitan from cover to cover. (biz- article i gotta send you) i must say i am impressed at how the content reflects directly with what women of today want. the concise description of how to give a blow job represented for me the fact that women are now openly sexual creatures, that and the fact that every single month there is one article or another that gives girls tips on how to get the most out of your sex life, by yourself or with your partner shows that women are demanding/craving/loving satisfaction... i love that there are always sex health tips like the article on chlamydia or the ever present breast self-exam. i like the fact that there are all sorts of tips on how to maintain a healthy relationship as well as info for the newly single woman in her 30s (nicknamed saltys for single after long term something or other... cameron diaz and drew barrymore apparently fall into this category) ... now i'm not saying that it doesn't also represent the things women don't need, like more accessories and bad bubble skirts with opaque tights (*barf*) as well as cheesy ways to 'get him to do what you want'. style spotting on a-list stars, too skinny models (actually, cosmo isn't as bad as some mags, they do choose a wider range of shapes and sizes), hot beauty tips that, when attempted by most, make you look older, more wrinkled and less naturally beautiful. but all the cons being said, cosmo has always been like that. why would we expect it to change? i still like the bad relationship advice and hints on eyeliner. i am also liking the fact that girls out there are hearing more about sex, so it no longer causes so much fear and insecurity. last august (i think) the special sealed section featured plaster casts of 5 women's vaginas. you could see that each one was so different, and that was no right or wrong. the beautiful flo has a theory that if more women saw more vaginas, these insecurities wouldn't exist in such high numbers. i think self confidence would be secreted from our pussies. too many women feel ashamed, embarrassed or just don't know about 'down there'. admittedly, i can't count my besties in that category but y'all know that those girls exist! so bravo to cosmo for keeping up with and supporting us women and our changing attitudes. and for keeping me company while
i can't sleep.
it's not a full moon. so why
can't i sleep?
is it because i didn't go running today? i didn't have a second coffee. i did have the jitters from all the excitement of the races and the suits and ties, dresses ranging from gaudy to trendy, and hats and fascinators galore!!
it's raining now and
i still can't sleep.
but at least we get some moisture. it even rained last night! (so we all had a post-cocktail cuppa) here's hoping it reaches the dams.
it's 1 am and the neighbours just got home.
maybe i'll try reading one of j's ultra boring poker books. that might work. or anything en francais, my poor brain is so deprived of that language that my lips can't even curl around a sentence without tripping.
i'll try and sleep now.
and here's a little picture for anyone who made it to the end of this rambling crack-whore of a post...
what do you love?

make a list, so will i. i'll post it next week. deal?
sleep tight