i've been at home for 2.5 days now with le flu.
ouch. i've been all over the computer, watching more and more sex & the city and having soup and herbal teas.
lemon and honey, honey.
i finished the new harry potter book in my fevered delirium... then i had whacked out lucid dreams where harry needed shoes, motion control shoes. but you can't apparate or disapparate with the brooks beast. oh dear. turns out harry potter and a 39 degree fever don't mix very well. you-know-who was all over my nightmarish dreams!
so, as you might imagine, no one in my house is bringing sexy back. au contraire. i was shattered to miss the architecture in helsinki concert. i just wanted to dance!
j has been ill too. and the kitties are going mental!
i've been sleeping a lot.
i've rearranged my bookmarks folder.
i've called a lot of people overseas with my skype out credit.
it has been awesome to get back in touch with my sister. she's like a mini-me but cooler! just kidding! but the first time i called her, she said hello and i said hello. then she said it again and i said it again and she thought it was some practical joke of someone recording her voice and playing it back to her! lmao!!!!
and i also got to talk to g & d, also fabulous to hear their voices!
and since i've been home at good times, i've gotten to talk to becca heaps... it's all my great gfs!!
i've been on ebay looking for random stuff.
my itunes library is getting a great workout. i'm currently searching for our latest bollywood dance class song "salaam namaste" so i can practice at home.
i *haven't* finished my laundry, cleaned my kitchen, taken out the trash or even taken a shower today.
so it looks like i'm going to hell in a handbag.
my eyes are still burning from the fever. but i will go back to work tomorrow cause they are so understaffed and will need me.
how excited am i for the simpsons movie?!? comes out today!!!!!!
i read that in the states to promote it, the 7-11s are all changing to quick-e marts and all the employees have to wear apu name badges and say "thank you, come again"... it is *so* politically incorrect to find that funny... but i do! (and this is coming from the girl who is so deeply offended at the term "paki"...) but it's the simpsons and apu is so loveable!
i also cleaned out most of my inbox. got rid of a lot of junk.
and i'll just post a few pics for fun...
this is bilby pretending to star in alien III... recognize the sweater anyone? :P

this is me dressed up for meg's bday party, held outdoors in the middle of winter...

saw this on the side of a truck and couldn't resist!


and this is at a promotion for a new mixed drink (viper) that j and i did down at a pub in ipswich called the squealing pig... i'm with the bar staff...

have fun les filles!