i feel like a whale.
i look like i stole a basketball and am retardedly trying to smuggle it out of the store under my shirt. my feet swell to unseemly proportions and i'm tired all the time.
i have a hair appointment with jean-lou tomorrow and after that, baby can arrive anytime please! the sooner the better!!!
now i'm just procrastinating... i have, like, a million things on my lists of things to do before mum/baby arrive (my mummy gets here in a few short weeks!!!!).
i have all the labour-bag necessities, just need to pack it!
i have all the baby *stuff* ready to go: cot, change table, nappies, carriers, clothes, blankies, you name it!
sadly, i've become reacquainted with the 'days' cast from afternoons spent beached on the sofa with my feet flailing in the air, desperatley trying to deflate myself... they just attempted to kill beau brady yesterday, i'll believe *that* when i see it! (rolls eyes at her poor taste in pastimes)
couple of pics...
these are my sausages on a particularily bad day. never in my life have i been embarrased of my feet/legs but after this, i bought myself a pair of full length maternity pants!

and this is my pregfriend mary & i on a shopping trip a couple of weeks ago. she was 4 weeks ahead of me for the whole pregnancy :) she's since given birth to a healthy baby girl!

gros bisous!