i held a koala yesterday. i don't think i was ready to hold a koala.
one wouldn't think that you'd have to be 'ready' to hold a koala, but i wasn't. maybe i should've worn my sweater. maybe i should've gone to bed earlier. maybe it was pms. maybe i was expecting something different. really, i just wasn't ready and i hate to admit it because it sounds so lame, but it's the truth.
the koala was jumpy, afraid, steel wool-ey, sharp and smelly... what else am i not ready for? what other unpleasant surprises will i get? possibly i don't notice half the things that hurtle by me, things that i'm not quick or poised enough to grasp yet and it's only the simple ones, the ones i expected to be different, like the koala, that leave their mark.
i smelt like a koala for the rest of the day. koalars smell funny.
but, on the up side, i think i may be the first sabadoobie to hold a marsupial!
one comment about how tired i look or how much i've put on and you're dead. i'm only posting the koala picture to show off and the other ones are for g. g likes animals. and you know what sound a llama makes!

just as a reference point, that *is* an emu and it *does* stand taller than me and *despite* the fact that i was on the other side of some moat-thing i *still* couldn't get away fast enough... hence the low quality, hasty photo. i was quivering with fear. the excitement of the rides at dreamworld must have pushed the memory of this giant, scary, prehistoric bird from my head because i didn't have nightmares. i probably will tonight though after editing that photo!!
the first time i saw an emu was in coff's harbour. i was stalking a white peacock à la distance (it was seemingly window shopping in little boutiques, very picture perfect). when i rounded a corner i came face to face (give or take 5 metres) with this scary, gigantic bird. i burst into tears and demanded to be taken home (home being *not* a country with the most terrifying creatures known to em-kind).
i also hate the fact that the emu and i share the same first two letters.
i'll probably have a heart attack and die if i ever see a cassowary.

mondays still suck but with the start of my new
gymbunniness, mondays just started to look up! i didn't kick my own
ass too hard, rather i forced self restraint (yes, this is rare for the nymphtress). but i will soon be walking like a baby giraffe again! actually, i don't forsee too much pain because i can hit the
'onsen' right next to my new gym at anytime cause i'm getting a dual membership!
and HOTDOG did a bath ever feel good! i am not kidding when i say i can't remember the last bath i took (if you don't count the ocean or numerous rock pools and streams)... was it japan? vietnam? cambodia? have i taken a bath in australia? have i really been here over half a year? has time flown? why does it feel like centuries and seconds intermingled?!
the most noticeable difference between onsen's in japan and the bathhouse i just visited tonight are feet.
there was no clear deliniation as to where you should take your shoes off. i took mine off shortly after entering, it felt weird not to. i don't know where everyone else takes their's off, it was virtually empty.
and there were no slippers in the toilet area. EW. i am a bit of a footfreak. you will never catch me going to bed with dirty feet and you can bet i'll go all retentive if i catch you wearing sandals outside all day and not wash your feet before hopping between my sheets! gives me the heebiejeebies yo. no toilet slippers in the onsen toilet. can you imagine? i'm still grossed out.
i am super excited about my new haunt though. sadly for you, it'll mean less posts in nymphendom and more in marathonkitty... not the same style read!
but now my feet are nice and clean with a peekaboo pink pedicure. and my pillows, sheets, doonas and pussy are all whispering my name....