slack yes.
good reason? hell ya!
as luck and love would have it, i am 6 weeks and one day pregnant and OVER THE EFFING MOON ABOUT IT!
(and will therefore probably have to learn to stop swearing at some point.)
not planned, nope. very surprised, yep. very happy, yep!
j is very happy too :) i woke up the morning after i told him to find him gently rubbing my belly. which looks bloated already... i thought we were allowed to get away with flat (or flat-ish in my case) stomachs for the first little while? i look bloated. other changes i noticed are sore boobs. sore enough to warrant me holding them as i attempt basic household chores like laundry... ever tried to fold a shirt with both hands on your tits? not gonna happen. really tight sports bras that smoosh everything into place seem to be my best bet at the moment but i just can't sleep in something that constricting. and the kitties must have an inkling too cause they keep jumping up onto the bed and landing directly on my chest... lovely.
the pink birthday party was very, very pink. stemming from the fact that i love strawberries lately. and strawberries are high in folic acid, an essential nutrient in the early stages of pregnancy. my body knew before my mind did. speculations include that, due to the pinkness of late, i will be having a girl or a very flamboyant boy.
i will post a bunch of pics from my actual birthday-day as well as from my party. and any others that i think might be fun too!
then i will go back to tidying my house which is strewn with books with titles like yoga for pregnancy, vegetarian pregnancy, the runner's world's guide to running through pregnancy, pilates for pregnancy (that one has scary pictures), eating for pregnancy, pregnancy and you magazine, water birthing (can't read that yet, too graphic and can't deal)... to name a few!
and i had a craving for crumble today. strawberry rhubarb crumble. i ate almost half a kilo of strawberries this morning. wooooooo-weeeeeee!
here are some pictures of my gorgeous cake... i baked the chocolate cake underneath, and zoë and dinah decorated it for me while i was getting ready... it was lovely! the flowers are from zoë to match my party dress!!!

here is a pic of some of the decorations!

here is me with the sparklers on the cake!

here is me cutting the cake!

the next day bilby was enthralled by the balloons! minou was exhausted after her wild excape into the night. we did manage to get her inside before i passed out, much to my relief! i have a video of bilby playing with one of the balloons! i also have a video of myself and party guests playing with balloons (ahh, inhaling helium... is there anything sillier?!) i will have to do some you tube posts sometime soon!

and here are some pics from the 19th. i had the day off work and went to jean-lou's to get a haircut, then came home and slept on it. then j and i went to montezuma's for some mexican, i had a lovely strawberry marguerita, and then we had free tickets to the sneak preview of superbad! it was too funny and we loved it!!

man! that took way too long to upload. i need a nap now!
love and kisses!