yeah for you! it's a photo entry with pictures of our new home!
this is the front view of our house... the bay windows are the bedroom windows

this is from the inside... on a diffrent day. it was pouring and minou got caught outside. she was so filthy i had to strip down and take her in the shower! still have scratch marks on my boobies but seeing this picture makes it all worthwhile! (yeah, yeah. i'm her mommy and i can tell her facial expressions apart. she is so *unimpressed* here!)

and this is round the side of our house

and this is j drinking a coffee on the veranda (don't you love my makeshift coffee table/cardboard box? ;)

i've also slapped on a couple of shots from when we first got here, travelling along the coast in pele (our big red van)... how many times can you spot her?
these are in totally random order. i'm actually going to post them as i've loaded them: alphabetically. cause i'm too tired to rack my brains and actually remember what order they happened. and i'm still a little drunk from jazzn'brett's wedding party, despite the nooky and post coital nap that ensued!
this is new year's in sydney. we saw fireworks and partied all night with sanj (a friend of j's from way back when)
i had fun!

this is me and a rainbow in byron bay... taken before we arrived in brisbane but after our tour de sydney

on australia day (january 26th, i think) we met up with kassie and her friend ben in south bank, brisbane. we went for lunch at a cafe on the river and took a walk in the botanical gardens where kass and i went nuts with the camera. here is one of my fave shots that we took!

we cooled off in a south bank stream

then, later, we watched the fireworks!!

this is after the brisbane stop (when we met up with kass on australia day). we travelled up the coast to noosa and camped out in pele at the national forest there. one morning we went for a walk to alexandria (or alexandra??) beach... it's the local nudie beach... and we went for a swim and saw a really funny crab! i made matt take a picture of it!

this is me in the forest on the way to (or from?) the nudie beach. it's an australian eucalyptus forest and i don't actually have words to describe the intensely beautiful smell that these forests exude... cleansing, pure, heady, thick and oily all spring to mind but still barely touch on the reality.

after the noosa stopover, we went and hung out at kassie's parent's house in nambour. it was very relaxing. one day we went to maroochydore and cheered as the queen's baton ran through on it's way to melbourne for the commonwealth games. this is kassie and i lookin the part as we waited for the runners to pass by.

on another day, the three of us went to a watering hole where kass and i splashed around until her lips turned blue! (damnit kassie. why did you move away from australia!? it got a bit lonelier the day you left!)

this is the morning crossword with em (somewhere along the way, perhaps in between byron and brisbane? did we even stop then? or is it in brissie? i don't really care.) i am still really pissed off at the crosswords here. i had just gotten pretty good at the one's in the japan times and now i'm stuck with the dumbass ones in the paper here. i only get the paper on saturdays too so it's much harder than my sweet monday ones (it used to make going into work a happy time!)

this shot must be on our way from byron bay to brisbane (judging from the distances on the sign)... check out kauilani, our little hula girl, and nimbin, her gratefuldead boyfriend.

this is minou chillin in the van. she loves travelling and will surf on j's board while we're moving. and if she's not there, she's right here, on the dashboard!

now, before byron, after sydney, ... i think... we stopped in lismore for a while visiting some friends and suffering through car troubles. (pele's a trooper though and runs well now)
during our stop in lismore, we took a little drive out to nimbin, the hippie capital of australia. this is nymph in nimbin:

we also took a little trip to a watering hole and chilled out in the stream (see post below: gratuitous bikini shot!)

while in lismore we went hiking with gavin & leiki with whom we were staying, this is us overlooking the rainforest (called the nightcap forest, i think)

this is a eucalyptus in nightcap forest

these are my feet after hiking for a while (i thought i didn't have closed toe shoes, only my teevas... three days later i found my ninja boots under pele's back seat)... the leeches liked me.

this is me, squeeling like a stuck pig (and bleeding like one too!!) because i don't like leeches. you should see my squeeling leech dance... i'd never been sucked by leeches before this. my theory that everything in australia is out to either eat or kill you has yet to be disproved.

this is in coff's harbour, we went to the town fair... it's a totally gay photo that j insisted on taking

and when i saw this food stall i couldn't stop giggling that they actually print the word tucker! (they also spell tire with a 'y' and in spell jail like this: gaol, which i like to pronounce 'gay-ol')... not that i don't appreciate diversity within the english language, i just like to make fun of other people and their cultures ;)

in between noosa and kassie's parents place, we stopped for half an hour at the glasstop mountains (or is it glasshouse?) and saw the sun set from the lookout

oh yeah, by the way, it rained here this weekend so we didn't go to the outdoor festival. it would have been a different story had it been hiroshima and we knew heaps of people already going (sleeping in a van and not having to pitch a tent in and for rainy weather would make *all* the difference)... but as it was just going to be the two of us, we stayed home for the weekend, hit up some garage sales, i bought a table and chairs, and spent a good few hours planting lovely green things in the garden this morning before getting dolled up for jazz's do.